As much as people hate to admit this, these guys have talent. Sure they could choose somewhere else to show this off, but maybe; and im just spitballing here; there's a reason behind the placement of these messages. Sure, I dont think anyone would like to walk out of their house one morning to see something spray painted along their front wall, but has anyone really appreciated the artistry that went into one of these "scrawlings"
Sure a lot of graffitti is linked to gangsterism and most people think that its just a bunch of street kids getting up to no good. But has anyone ever considered the reasoning behind this behaviour? As an art lover, i look for meaning in every piece of art. whether its a painting, a sculpture, or even a scrawl on the sidewalk.
Subject matter of art is influenced by society, its influenced by what an artist knows and has experienced. Graffitti artists are no different. Their method of spreading their messages to the world comes by means of a bottle of spray paint and the largest "canvas" available to them, being a wall or a sidewalk.

If we would look and see where popular culture has its roots, (well 21st century popular culture) if you could see where the stars of today, lived their yesterdays then you would see the slums and the hardships that many of these artists came from. These are people full of imagination just bursting to show the world their creativity, however, as society does, these kids, "juvinielle delinquents" as they're known, are pushed to the side and no attention is paid to them. So in order to get some attention they choose to take extreme measures and show their skills on the sides of the buildings in their cities and neighbourhoods.
And naturally, they get into trouble for this.
I just wish that there could be a platform where awareness could be raised, and where these artists could broaden their knowledge of art and maybe create a career out of the imaginative and creative talents which they possess. Give them the tools and they will listen. The only messages they spray are those for love and a shoulder to lean on. They spread these messages for people to stop and take notice. IF someone could cut their work out, IF someone could put their work in a gallery, take their "vandallism" out of the street and into a place of hope, then perhaps these "delinquents" would have their chance to say, "hey, look at me" in a more tollerable way, without risking their futures. Graffitti is an art, graffitti can become a career. Just in the right environment. Because everyone is entitled to hope.

*Pictures are from Google Images Graffiti Pictures